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  • Can I steam while pregnant?
    It is not recommneded that you steam while pregnant. However, some yoni practitioners will allow mommies 37 weeeks along to steam to prepare the womb for birth and connect spiritually to baby before arrival. Before initiating a steam while pregnat please consult the advice of a professional.
  • Can I steam if I'm going through menopause?
    Yes! If you are going through menopause you can steam. Steaming can help eliviate symptoms that are associated with menopause.
  • Can the yoni herbs irritate my vagina?
    Like with any other thing, especially herbs on a sensitive area. Irritation may occur. If irrtation or discomfort occurs please discontinue use. If irritation presists please seek professional advice and care.
  • I ordered a yoni steam facilitator course certification and manual, where is my certificate?"
    Your yoni steam student manual is an instant download that will come to you in your provided email when checking out. Your certificate will be sent to you by us manually to the same email address with your full name provided by you within 5 days of purchase.
  • Do you have a wholesale options for yoni boxes?
    We do not have wholesale options for our yoni boxes at this time.
  • What are the yoni boxes and stools made of?
    Your box or stool is made from fromhylyde-free, soy based adhesive, hardwood plywood that is derived from food grade soy flour. Your box is enviromentally friendly for a clean steam!
  • Is there a plug in the back for my yoni box?
    There is a hole 2 inches in diameter for cords or any other form of heating mechanism that needs to be attached to a socket. Your box only comes with the 2 inch hole centered in the back of the box and the hole that is on your seat.
  • Do you customize boxes?
    Yes, We customize boxes! Please contact us if you would like to add a design, color and or business name to your box. Customize designs differ in price and cannot be canceled once the order is submitted. Please contact us as quickly as possible if you need an update on your design while it's processing.
  • What are the weight limits for your 14x14 yoni box?
    The weight limit is 275lbs tested. Any weight above that is at your own risk. If you ever feel any cracking ince you sit on the box, get up immediatley and check your box for any cracks, bruising, breaks or splits.
  • What are the dimensions for the 14x14 yoni box?
    Height 15.5 Width 14 Length 14. Your box also comes with a top hole that is either a 6 inch in diameter circle or heart and a 2 inch hole in the back for any cords.

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